Schedule // Structure Sheets // Hotel Information // Live Stream Feature Table

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 3 Seat Assignments

Table - Seat Name Chip Count
1-1 Chanthamala, Kenny 19,800
1-3 Courtney, Bob 72,900
1-4 Yazdi, Ardavan 122,300
1-5 Kessler, Allen 60,800
1-6 Forrest, Jeffrey 84,900
1-7 Inselberg, David 44,500
1-8 Bowker, Kyle 260,100
1-9 Somerville, Jason 112,800
2-1 Cernuto, John 106,300
2-2 Seidel, Erik 50,500
2-3 Klier, Ben 228,500
2-4 Yakovenko, Nikolai 126,800
2-5 McCormack, Chris 50,000
2-6 Smith, Gavin 245,800
2-7 Brown, Chad 88,800
2-8 Greenstein, Barry 109,900
2-9 Springer, Bryon 247,300
3-1 Freeman, Todd 229,100
3-3 Meskin, Mike 120,700
3-4 Arieh, Josh 258,200
3-5 Berg, Eli 177,200
3-6 Marchese, Thomas 123,600
3-7 Selldorff, Frank 52,500
3-8 Peters, David 101,800
3-9 Teklu, Robel 93,700
4-1 Bergman, Josh 79,000
4-2 Berger, Alex 147,600
4-3 King, Jeff 21,700
4-4 Mercier, Jason 99,500
4-5 Ghods, Ehsan 41,700
4-6 Bazeley, Jacob 73,700
4-7 Scali, Tonio 29,000
4-8 Terry, Todd 37,000
4-9 Bardah, Ronnie 100,600
5-1 Hunichen, Chris 163,300
5-2 Legendre, Rodney 97,500
5-3 Parker, Broch 105,000
5-4 Little, Jonathan 81,100
5-5 Corkins, Hoyt 155,400
5-6 Cavezza, Antonio 67,400
5-7 Perlov, Artyem 77,800
5-8 Benedict, Doug 41,000
5-9 Mizzi, Sorel 136,100
6-2 Frankenberger, Andy 47,300
6-3 Stammen, Kevin 160,000
6-4 Beasley, Mike 79,000
6-5 Fish, Darryll 15,800
6-6 Adams, Ken 82,400
6-7 Kane, Gerard 140,700
6-8 Lee, Ronald 187,100
6-9 Ziba, Besnik 188,400
7-1 Harder, Christian 127,100
7-2 Aguiar, Jonathan 38,900
7-3 Lerner, Leonid 45,600
7-4 Purvis, Blake 97,800
7-5 Ruffino, Larry 61,900
7-6 Soloperto, Matt 101,100
7-7 Charania, Mohsin 148,200
7-8 Linna, Jyri 130,000
7-9 Sciannameo, Carlo 177,100
8-1 Piccioli, Bryan 49,300
8-2 Matson, John 38,100
8-3 Lipman, Larry 77,400
8-4 Bonita, Christopher 184,400
8-5 Lederer, Howard 33,800
8-6 Steinberg, Lance 118,000
8-7 Johnson, Douglas 73,100
8-8 Vela, Michael 66,000
8-9 Batkin, Andrew 115,200

Play Concludes for the Night with 69 Players

Play has come to an end on Day Two of the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

There are 69 players remaining and play will resume at noon tomorrow.

Full chip counts and Day Three seat assignments will be posted as soon as they are available.

Dan O'Brien Eliminated

Dan O'Brien

Dan O'Brien has been eliminated late in Day Two action at the World Poker Finals.

Seven More Hands In Day Two Action

Each table will play seven more hand and then play will conclude on Day Two.

McLean Karr Eliminated

McLean Karr has been eliminated with about 30 minutes left in today's action.

Gavin Smith Eliminates Brian Lemke

Gavin Smith

On a flop of [Kc][Js][3d], Brian Lemke got all 70,000 of his chips in the middle with Gavin Smith.

Lemke turned up [As][Kd] for top pair but Smith showed [3c][3h] for a set. The turn was the [5h] and the river came the [Ts]. Smith took the pot and eliminated Lemke from the tournament.

Gavin Smith is now up to around 255,000 chips.

Blind Increase & Final Level of the Night

Tournament officials have raced off the green 25 chips and the blinds have been increased to 600-1,200 with a 200 ante.

This will be the final level of play on Day Two.

Break Time with 88 Players Remaining

We are down to the final 88 players in the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

The players are currently on a 15-minute break.

Erik Cajalais Eliminated

Erik Cajalais

After his opponent raised to 8,000 preflop, Erik Cajalais moved all in for about 25,000 more. His opponent made the call and they turned up:

Cajalais [Ah][Kc]
Opponent [As][Js]

Cajalais maintained his big lead in the hand on a flop of [Ts][9s][3c]. The [8d] on the turn gave his opponent an open ended straight draw. However, the [Jd] fell on the river, pairing his opponent's jack and eliminating Cajalais from the tournament.

YouTube video: Jason Mercier and Dan O'Brien Chat on Break

Jay "WhoJedi" Newnum catches up with Jason Mercier and Dan O'Brien during a break at the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

Click here to view the video in HD

Victor Ramdin Eliminated

Victor Ramdin

On a flop of [9d][8h][4s], Victor Ramdin moved his last few chips in the middle. His opponent made the call and they turned over:

Ramdin [8c][7c]
Opponent [Kc][Ks]

The turn was the [6s], giving Ramdin a straight draw. But, the [3d] fell on the river, eliminating Ramdin from the World Poker Finals.

McLean Karr Doubles Up with the Steel Wheel!

After a raise in front of him, McLean Karr moved all in for his last 18,000 in chip. The player behind him reraised all in and the original raiser folded. They turned up:

Karr [Ac][3c]
Opponent [Ah][As]

Karr was crushed by his opponent's pocket aces until the unthinkable flop happened...


Karr flopped the Steel Wheel and had the hand won already. He doubled up to almost 40,000 in chips!

Blind Increase in the $10K WPT Main Event

The blinds have been increased to 500-1,000 with a 150 ante.

Matt Stout Eliminated by Gavin Smith

Matt Stout

On a board of [Qd][5d][2h], Gavin Smith checked and Matt Stout bet 5,400. Smith made the call and the turn was the [Th]. This time, Smith led out for 9,700 and Stout moved all in. Smith made the call and they turned over:

Smith [Qh][Tc]
Stout [Kc][Qs]

Smith turned two pair and the [4s] on the river did not improve Stout's hand.

Stout has been eliminated from the tournament and Gavin Smith is up to 170,000 in chips.

Alex Rocha Eliminated

Alex Rocha

Alex Rocha has been eliminated from Day Two action when his pocket eights failed to hold up against his opponent's A-K.

James "jcamby33" Campbell Eliminated

James Campbell

James "jcamby33" Campbell has been eliminated on Day Two of the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

Live Stream Feature Table Featuring...

The live streaming feature table now with Jason Mercier, Darryll Fish, Howard Lederer, McLean Karr, Victor Ramdin and Miami John Cernuto.

Just click "Watch LIVE Video" at the top of the page to view the stream.

Blind Increase in the $10K WPT Main Event

The blinds have been increased to 400-800 with a 100 ante.

Nick Schulman Doubles Up Just Before the Break

Nick Schulman

Just before the break, Nick Schulman was involved in a big pot. On a board of [8h][6d][3h][Ts], his opponent bet 10,000 and Schulman made the call.

The river was the [6s], pairing the board and his opponent fired 20,000. Schulman thought for a minute and moved all in for about 10,000 more. His opponent called but mucked his hand when Schulman turned up [8d][8s] for a full house.

Nick Schulman is now up to around 90,000.

Break Time in the $10K WPT Main Event

The players are now on a 15-minute break.

Bernard Lee Eliminated From the World Poker Finals

Bernard Lee

Bernard Lee has been eliminated on Day Two of the World Poker Finals.

Despite his elimination today, it has been a fairly profitable 24 hours for the Foxwoods Poker Room Spokesperson.

Ben Klier Takes the Chip Lead with 180,000

Ben Klier

Ben Klier appears to have taken over the chip lead at the Foxwoods World Poker Finals and now sits on over 180,000 in chips.

$10K Main Event Final Numbers & Payouts

We had a total of 242 players in the $10,000 WPT Main Event at the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

The final 25 spots will finish in the money

Final payouts are as follows:

1st - $548,752
2nd - $325,608
3rd - $211,759
4th - $170,773
5th - $128,650
6th - $104,741
7th - $88,802
8th - $72,863
9th - $61,480
10th-12th - $46,678
13th-15th - $39,847
16th-20th - $33,016
21st-25th - $27,779

John Dolan Eliminated

John Dolan

WSOP November Niner John Dolan has been eliminated from the tournament when his pocket fives failed to hold up against Olivier Busquet's A-K when a king hit the flop.

Best of luck to John next week as he starts up play again at the World Series of Poker Main Event final table!

Shannon Shorr Arrives at the World Poker Finals

Shannon Shorr

After a two-hour flight delay, Shannon Shorr has taken his seat here at the Foxwoods World Poker Finals.

He starts the day with a stack of 23,300 and the blinds still at 300-600 and a 75 ante.

Blinds Increase in the $10K Foxwoods Main Event

The blinds have been increased to 300-600 with a 75 ante.

Gavin Smith Takes a Hit

Gavin Smith

Gavin Smith had been slowly increasing his Day Two starting stack of 58,875 throughout the first level of the day. He had taken a nice pot off of Jason Somerville shortly before Somerville returned the favor.

Details of the hands are unclear, but the moral of the story is that Somerville managed a big double up at the expense of Smith.

Smith now sits on around 40,000 in chips while Somerville is up to around 115,000.

Bernard Lee Arrives at the World Poker Finals

Foxwoods Poker Room Spokesperson Bernard Lee has just arrived at the World Poker Finals.

Lee spent most of the night and morning traveling in from Hammond, Indiana, where he finished third in the World Series of Poker Circuit Regional Championship. He took home over $250,000 for his finish.

YouTube video: Day 2 Preview with Jess Welman & Jay Newnum

Jess Welman from the World Poker Tour joins Jay "WhoJedi" Newnum as they preview Day Two of the Foxwoods World Poker Tour Finals.

Click here to view the video in HD

Live Streaming Feature Table with Howard Lederer & Jason Mercier

Howard Lederer

Jason Mercier

The line-up for our live streaming feature table is as follows:

Jerry VanStrydonck 18,150
3. Jason Mercier 53,150
4. Darryll Fish 65,175
5. Howard Lederer 47,300
6. Zac Gregg 53,875
7. Mike Meskin 63,675
8. Sanjay Iyer 31,200
9. Eric Salinas 25,350

Just click "Watch LIVE Video" at the top of the page to view the live stream.

Day Two Set to Begin

Day Two of the Foxwoods World Poker Finals is about to get underway.

The blinds will be starting at 200-400 with a 50 ante.

Day 2 Chip Counts & Seat Assignments

Name Chip Count Table-Seat
Steinberg, Lance 144,000 3-8
Charania, Mohsin 134,900 13-6
Beasley, Mike 115,000 17-9
Cajalais, Erik 110,925 14-4
Ghods, Ehsan 98,675 7-3
Muscarella, Alex 93,000 4-5
Somerville, Jason 92,725 12-5
Perlov, Artyem 92,550 7-5
Ziba, Besnik 90,225 2-3
Cernuto, John 90,125 11-5
Mor, Ofir 82,325 15-1
Ahmadian, Elia 81,000 3-5
Karr, McLean 80,425 1-8
Stout, Matt 78,150 2-6
Michalowski, Rafal 76,725 4-1
Walker, Jon 73,650 8-4
Lee, Ronald 73,575 3-9
Hunichen, Chris 72,475 8-2
Adams, Ken 71,800 20-9
Courtney, Bob 70,325 11-2
Harder, Christian 70,225 3-1
McCormack, Chris 70,000 18-2
Raskin, Micah 69,425 16-6
Yazdi, Ardavan 69,400 11-9
Yakovenko, Nikolai 68,600 1-7
Leontakianakos, John 67,400 8-3
Teklu, Robel 67,000 2-4
Brick, Todd 66,975 13-4
Sciannameo, Carlo 65,875 13-9
Fish, Darryll 65,175 10-4
Meskin, Mike 63,675 10-7
Berger, Alex 63,350 12-6
Soloperto, Matt 62,500 7-2
Skyllas, Pete 61,100 8-8
Cavezza, Antonio 59,400 3-3
Noyes, Tom 59,325 1-5
Berger, Jonathan 59,275 1-1
Smith, Gavin 58,875 12-3
Bonita, Christopher 58,775 14-3
Vesterinen, Konsta 58,075 12-1
Thomas, Tom 57,650 20-1
Selldorff, Frank 57,625 1-6
Matson, John 57,550 18-3
Corkins, Hoyt 57,375 8-5
Nguyen, Men 56,900 5-8
Kessler, Allen 56,475 16-2
Marchese, Thomas 56,300 19-1
King, Jeff 56,250 17-4
Klier, Ben 56,075 17-3
Panayiotou, Eracles 54,725 20-2
Scali, Tonio 54,475 17-2
Boghosian, Todd 54,125 15-8
Gregg, Zac 53,875 10-6
Mercier, Jason 53,150 10-3
Petrillo, James 52,575 6-8
Johnson, Douglas 51,950 16-3
Schreiber, Thomas 51,025 11-6
Franke, Pascal 50,750 5-9
Purvis, Blake 50,275 2-1
Wilcox, Gordon 49,650 15-5
Kairnes, Bob 49,550 4-6
Guo, Yuebin 48,875 20-4
Rocha, Alex 48,350 6-2
Pilossoph, Billy 48,075 14-9
Dickstein, Mark 47,750 14-6
Glantz, Matt 47,500 19-9
Lederer, Howard 47,300 10-5
Chanthamala, Kenny 47,050 16-5
Batkin, Andrew 46,075 17-1
Crowder, Keith 45,700 6-9
Spinella, Anthony 45,275 7-6
Lemke, Brian 45,000 13-3
Greenstein, Barry 44,325 11-3
Grover, Rajesh 43,900 17-5
Lahey, Tim 43,375 11-7
Ranieri, Stephen 43,200 13-5
Gibbons, Joseph 42,825 9-6
Stammen, Kevin 41,275 6-3
Obrien, Daniel 41,275 12-2
Brown, Chad 40,950 15-9
Orgettas, Steve 39,875 9-1
Froehlich, Eric 39,875 17-7
Lipman, Larry 39,850 16-8
Seidel, Erik 39,550 3-4
Little, Jonathan 39,350 14-8
Bardah, Ronnie 39,150 18-6
Nakhoul, Ben 38,900 2-7
Peters, David 38,725 9-9
Papola, Jeff 37,875 12-9
Chan, Feming 36,750 13-8
Bazeley, Jacob 36,550 4-9
White, Pat 36,100 9-5
Botchis, William 36,025 5-4
Legendre, Rodney 35,950 1-2
Parker, Broch 35,800 19-6
Lynch, Louis 35,650 7-4
Freeman, Todd 35,500 8-7
Ferrara, Antonio 34,875 5-7
Arieh, Josh 34,850 15-7
Lang, Grant 34,825 2-2
Kuey, Natale 34,675 14-1
Campbell, James 34,400 15-2
Orgettas, Michael 33,950 18-9
Dry, Wanda 33,825 18-4
Terry, Todd 33,475 19-8
Berg, Eli 33,400 7-7
Haddad, Sam 32,975 14-2
Rackman, Ariel 32,425 2-9
Iyer, Sanjay 31,200 10-8
Selbst, Vanessa 29,350 11-1
Bowker, Kyle 28,925 7-9
Springer, Bryon 28,500 1-9
Hakim, Farhad 28,250 4-3
Vanchiro, Jeffrey 28,000 9-8
Linna, Jyri 27,200 18-1
Moutaouakil, Mustapha 27,025 4-7
Mortensen, Carlos 26,825 19-2
Lerner, Leonid 26,625 6-1
Busquet, Olivier 26,175 4-2
Parro, Jayme 25,575 2-5
Salinas, Eric 25,350 10-9
Aguiar, Jonathan 25,275 17-6
Wilson, Alexander 24,875 8-9
Liebert, Kathy 24,775 15-6
Loman, Kyle 24,250 6-7
Failla, Will 24,200 5-5
Piccioli, Bryan 23,600 3-6
Kane, Gerard 23,200 14-5
Benedict, Doug 22,650 11-4
Cruickshanks, Guy 22,450 12-8
Schulman, Nick 22,300 13-2
Jaffe, Jonathan 21,875 17-8
Vela, Michael 21,375 18-7
Udine, Joseph 21,200 5-6
Matteo, Paul 20,075 1-3
Barshak, Steve 19,500 12-7
Albilia, Ariel 19,475 9-4
Mizzi, Sorel 18,525 6-6
Naquin, Jacob 18,500 19-7
VanStrydonck, Jerry 18,150 10-2
Sung, Steve 18,100 20-5
Frankenberger, Andy 18,025 16-7
Inselberg, David 17,875 7-1
Ruffino, Larry 16,900 9-2
Rosenkranz, Barry 16,725 14-7
Dolan, John 16,675 4-8
Zhu, Yue 15,950 20-8
Levy, Simantov 15,225 16-9
Vizza, Francis 15,000 15-4
Novena, Brandon 14,975 9-3
Bauerlein, Gene 13,725 19-4
Carroll, James 13,250 5-3
Russell, Louise 13,050 13-1
Dobrilovic, Tom 13,000 18-5
Bergman, Josh 12,750 16-4
Ramdin, Annand Victor 12,550 11-8
Forrest, Jeffrey 12,525 20-3
Milton, Lamont 11,350 16-1
Eapen, Nithin 10,400 8-6
Berardi, Joseph 10,225 3-2
Zaydman, Eliott 10,125 8-1
Van Der Ven, Floris 9,575 19-3
Oleary, Scott 9,325 9-7
Griffith, Scott 7,875 13-7
Djokovic, Avdo 7,550 5-1
McCormick, Tom 7,100 20-7
Preziosi, Richard 6,700 5-2
Cimpan, Cornel 6,700 6-4